Healthy Obsessions The Adventures of a Mild Obsessive Compulsive

Gluten Free Thanksgiving

gluten free thanksgivingSim and I took over making the Thanksgiving meal this year, since my mom is still sick after the chemo. It was an herculean task, but we managed to pull it off.

It was also nearly gluten free. My mother did make some gluten-full stuffing, which she very carefully kept segregated away from everything Sim and I were making so as to avoid contamination.

We made:

  • Biscuits (using the new gluten free Bisquick)
  • Mashed potatoes
  • The traditional marshmallow topped sweet potatoes
  • Green beans with toasted almond slivers
  • Gluten free stuffing with chestnuts
  • Gluten free gravy
  • Gluten free vegetarian mushroom gravy
  • Two kinds of Cranberry sauce
  • Whipped cream
  • Two pumpkin pies (using Wholefoods premade gluten free pie crust)
  • One apple pie (two Wholefoods pie crusts, re-roll the second into a top)
  • And, of course, the Turkey itself

No one amongst my incredibly picky family appeared to notice that it was all gluten free. Victory! We also pulled out a loaf of pound cake and cinnamon buns that had been made earlier and frozen.

It was also amazing to realize that my mother usually does all of this on her own. It took two of us working feverishly throughout the day to get the meal on the table by six. That’s two days worth of man hours. No wonder my mom always starts cooking days in advance. And we didn’t even bother with making hors d’oevres. We put out gluten free crackers (the Glutino crackers were very popular), cheeses, Allouette garlic and herb cheese spread, liverwurst (of which my father, uncle, and I are all fans), and salami. All ready made when purchased.

gluten free thanksgiving

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